End of Life Conversations: The Medical Student’s Role

  • Eamon Duffy Yale School of Medicine
Keywords: Creative Writing, Palliative Care, End of Life


Each year third year medical students at Yale are asked to reflect on one conversation they have with a patient about the end of their life. It is meant to motivate medical students to engage their patients about death and dying, and in doing so improve their ability to care for patients at the end of their life. This is Eamon’s reflection on a conversation with his patient, Mr. A, on the general medicine floor.  

Author Biography

Eamon Duffy, Yale School of Medicine
Eamon Duffy is a fourth year medical student at Yale School of Medicine. Outside of the classroom Eamon focuses on community health engagement and is very involved with Doctors for American and Students for a Better Healthcare System, two national campaigns to improve access to affordable, high quality health care.