General MSPress Announcements

The Medical Student Press Journal is live!

The Medical Student Press Journal team is delighted to announce that Volume 4 Number 1 is now live! You can access the journal here:



Lance-Adams Syndrome: A Case Report, Alec Rezigh, Kayla Riggs



Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Stethoscope with a Song, Geoffrey D Huntley

Learning Together: How Interprofessional Education Can Strengthen Health Care Professional Relationships and Improve Patient Care, Braydon Dymm

Improper Statistical Analysis: A Cause of Poor Translation of New Biomarkers into Clinical Practice, Justin Barnes

The Curation of Creative Hospitals, Shella Kirin Raja, Lilah Raja
DIG FAST, Puneet Sharma

Young Patient X, Logan William Thomas

The Watchman, Daniel Wang

The Longest Journey, Lauren DeDecker


The Teaching Dead, Alexandra Wood

By Mica Esquenazi

Mica is a member of the University of Rochester School of Medicine Class of 2017. She graduated with honors from Stanford University with a B.S. in Science, Technology, and Society, and a B.A. in Medical Anthropology. She works as a clinical researcher within the University of Rochester Medical Center's Department of Otolaryngology and Burn Surgery Division. She previously served on AMWA's National Student Executive Board as Secretary and as a clinical researcher for VisualDx. She also served as local president of her school's AMA and AMWA chapters. Mica is pursuing a career in otolaryngology.

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